Posts made in May, 2013

Show 17: Social Media and Influence Marketing

Posted by on May 27, 2013

Influence Marketing

Create, manage and measure influence beyond social scoring .

Influencer marketing, (also Influence Marketing) is a form of marketing that has emerged from a variety of recent practices and studies, in which focus is placed on specific key individuals (or types of individual) rather than the target market as a whole. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers. -Wikipedia

Sam Fiorella talks to us about the new methodology that he and Danny Brown describe in their new book “Influence Marketing”.

Sam says his interest in creating a new method for managing and measuring influence started when he was rejected in a job application because his Klout score wasn’t high enough.

Dedicated to all those who refused to be defined by a score the book provides a blueprint that moves influence marketing beyond simple brand awareness and into sales acquisition and customer lifetime value measurement. This offers a complete methodology for generating more and better leads - and converting them faster, at higher margins.

Also mentioned in this weeks show is a blog post from the inestimable  Mark Etingchap aka Marketing Chap  on the topic of ‘fake followers’.  You can read this and other musings from Mark here: Marketing Chap blog 

Connect with and on Twitter and read more about them here 

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Show 16: Social Media relationships work off-line

Posted by on May 20, 2013

London BloggersCreate new business by taking on-line meetings off-line

Ed Goodman of Cambridge Business Lounge and Andy Bargery of Klaxon Marketing give two examples of people meeting through social media who take their relationships off line to meet face-to-face and create new opportunities for learning and business.

Listen to Ed talking about how the Twitter meeting #CambsHour gave him the idea to invite the participants to the Cambridge Business Lounge to meet and take part in a whole day of free talks in #CambsHourDay

Andy Bargery has been one of the hosts of London Bloggers MeetUp for over six years with nearly 2,000 bloggers. They meet monthly to share wine and beer and ideas and tips. Andy talks to Eric Swain  about where blogging sits in content marketing.
Andy Bargery

Follow Ed on Twitter  and Andy

Find out more about Ed and Andy here: 

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Show 15: The Connected Economy, Charities and Social Media

Posted by on May 13, 2013


How the Connected Economy and Marie Curie Cancer are using Social Media - with lessons that all businesses can share.


Bernie Mitchell of Engaging People and TAGtribe, fresh from Mesh 2013 explains why Barclays Bank and General Electric are joining the connected economy and Stuart Witts tells a story of how social media is being used to connect the Marie Curie Charity with fundraisers and supporters.

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Guest bloggers

Posted by on May 7, 2013

Blog 1Would you like to be a guest blogger for the show?

From creating content to outsourcing, from measuring influence to the Zero Moment of Truth, we’ve had some fantastic guests who have helped us to describe how social media and social networking is helping to create exciting business opportunities for people who see that there is “no more business as usual” and are eager to explore new business models. 

The show is attracting some interesting comments in our Google Plus Community  and we’d like to extend this to give more people an opportunity to become regular bloggers for the show. 

If you have an opinion or a story on how social media and social networking is changing the way we do business and would like to have it published here, let me know

Here are few guidelines for your guest post:

  • It will be in the same vein as our interviews -  broadly how social media and social networking is changing the way we do business (not how to set up a Facebook Page or a blog). 
  • It will be original - never published before *anywhere*.
  • No longer than 500 words (instalments are fine for longer topics).
  • Submitted as a word doc or similar.  
  • No images - we’ll source our own to avoid copyright issues.
  • No advertorial from “professional” marketers on behalf of their clients disguised as a guest post. 
  • No more than 20 words describing you, the author with your links. 

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Show 14: The ROI of Social Media Part Two

Posted by on May 6, 2013

Olivier BlanchardHow to measure the ROI of Social Media

This topic was so popular on our Google Plus Community that we asked Olivier Blanchard to come back and do another show.

Olivier is the author of ”Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Efforts In Your Organization”   Link:

In this follow up Olivier gives a fantastic explanation of ROI measurement that can be applied to almost anything.

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