Posts made in July, 2013

Show 23: Marcus Sheridan “The Sales Lion” talks about Social Media

Posted by on Jul 8, 2013

MarcusSheridanHear how Marcus Sheridan used Social Media to rescue his company

……….. then used that experience to start another company to help other people to do the same.

We waited a long time to get this interview with Marcus and it was worth waiting for!

River Pools and Spas was in big trouble until Marcus, with nothing to lose, starting bringing traffic to his site using great content and social media. The process was such a success that Marcus is now a sleeping partner in that business and started The Sales Lion - a company that  helps small and large organizations develop a culture of content and inbound marketing.

Marcus shares some great lessons that can be applied to any business - and all from hard won experience!

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My social media journey - Week 3

Posted by on Jul 1, 2013

Andy Hatcher of The Mapp charts his Social Media journey.

Andrew hatcher

(Andy is the MD of  The MAPP Ltd., a company that provides simple visual planning solutions)

“One may say the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility” – Einstein

Listen to Andy’s interview on Show 20 Mapp-logo-R-80

So the weekly report now says that I have had 120 visitors this past week up from 42 so that seems great and, along with 8 free account sign ups, the figures, albeit not in any way startling are at least moving up!

The Twitter dance

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