Posts by Ann

Show 41: Personality types and social media

Posted by on Nov 12, 2013

Stephen Haggard

How do you know which personality types react best with your social media content?

Stephen Haggard of, soon to be relaunched at , talks to us about how to discover which personality types are most likely to respond to different types of content. Stephen’s company designed a scientifically valid personality questionnaire and made it available on Facebook. Seven million respondents later they had a huge amount of data that can pinpoint very accurately how specific personality types behave on-line and interact with different types of content.


This is the scientific article about the technology  and there are case studies on the website.



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Show 40: Why you should use Google Plus

Posted by on Nov 5, 2013

Adam Vincenzini

Is Google Plus really a wasteland?

Adam Vincenzini of Kamber, a specialist content marketing and social media consultancy gives us lots of really good reasons for using Google Plus and some words of wisdom on how to shape our businesses using the avenues available.

Find Adam writing on The Kamber Blog on Twitter  and his own blog 

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Show 39: What your customer wants out of social

Posted by on Oct 29, 2013

Tom Ollerton of We are Social “If your marketing isn’t mobile, its not going anywhere.”

Tom Ollerton, Marketing Director at We Are Social talks to us about how things go wrong when the brand focuses just on their message and equally when they focus just on entertaining their audience. Finding the middle ground is vital.

Increasingly, customers do most things on their mobile, whether its shopping, getting news, information or entertainment so its vital to match their habits and using apps like Instagram and Snapchat lend themselves to this market.

If you’d like a copy of “The Social Sale” please contact Tom on   or


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Show 38: The top 5 reasons why people don’t click your links!

Posted by on Oct 22, 2013

John Lee, Brand and Social Business Manager at Webtrends

Do you post links to your web site or blog and wonder why no-body clicks them?

John Lee, Brand and Social Marketing Manager at Webtrends. Winner of the “Best Branding Campaign” and “Event of the Year” awards, joins us from Portland Oregon with some really great insights and a ‘get out of jail free card’ for B2B marketers.

Truth, no business tweet is as interesting as your friends so how to you get your content noticed in amongst 500 million tweets a day (that’s 6,000 a second!)?

John digs down into his top five reasons why our links don’t get clicked and comes up with some fascinating ideas on how we can all do better!

One the examples John give us that is worth looking at is Marketo

Follow John on Twitter  and

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Show 37: How to avoid producing crap content

Posted by on Oct 15, 2013

Doug Kessler Co-Founder and Creative Director of Velocity Partners

In a world deluged with content how do you get noticed?

Doug Kessler, the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Velocity Partners talks to us about creating content that is intelligent, entertaining and useful and always worth consuming.

Doug gives us some great insights into how to curate content that has real impact, the importance of creating content that gives you pleasure versus what you think you “should” produce and a beautiful explanation of content that shows real confidence.

These are the links to the content Doug mentions in the interview:

The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business by Clayton M. Christensen 

The deluge of crap 

The other C word 

The B2B Marketing Manifesto 

and the You Tube video Paths Of Flight 

Follow Doug on Twitter  



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