Show 22: Social Media, PR and Brand Watching


Changing the PR world with Social Media

Stephen Waddington used social media to help his campaign to become president of The Chartered Institute of Public Relations and talks about the need for PR firms to look at how social media is transforming business models.
Giles Palmer talks about how to find out what people are *really* saying about your brand using social media monitoring tools.

On Twitter: Stephen  Giles
Find out more about Stephen and Giles with links to the things they talk about in their interviews……

Stephen waddingtonStephen Waddington

Personal Blog 

The other book that Stephen talked about “Brand Vandalism” will be out in the Autumn.


Giles Palmer 

Founder and CEO of Brandwatch. Giles started Brandwatch after leaving BSkyB. Development on the product started in late 2005 and from its launch in August 2007, Brandwatch has grown to become one of the world’s leading Social Media Monitoring companies, serving businesses across the globe from FTSE 100 companies to SMEs.

He is a regular speaker at Social Media conferences and also serves on the Industrial Advisory Board for Sussex University as well as the Social Media Committee for the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.




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